
From the collection of The Sinner and The Saint Tattoo Museum comes this reprint of a german tattoo design book from the world war 1 era. The name of the artist and the origin are unknown but the book was too interesting not to be made.
Hardcover, 68 pages of designs in black and red.
DIN A4 Format - 21 x 29,7 cm - 8,2 inch x 11,6 inch
THE UNKNOWN -Skizzen Buck-
ドイツのThe Sinner and The Saint Tattoo Museum 所蔵のコレクションより再版したもの。
68p ハードカバー仕様
A4 フォーマット 21 cm x 29,7 cm
国内通販はBase shop page でもお買い求め可能です。